How to configure with EXknight scroll wheel attachment on PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC Fortnite?
How to configure with EXknight scroll wheel attachment on PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC Fortnite?
1--Attach the EXknight scroll wheel on a most comfortable place of your PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC controller
2--Plug in the EXknight receiver to your PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC console
3--Go to your Fortnite settings
3.1--Click the “arrow key” icon to go to your input settings (this is where you change your keybinds)
3.2--Scroll down until you find the building edit and reset building edit options (they are in the building section, just above the communication section)
3.3--Bind your building edit and reset building choice to mouse wheel download (or mouse wheel down if you prefer)
It’s important you bind both building edit and reset building edit to the same mouse wheel direction.